Dec 20, 2023 Lunch Recap
Cicero-Plank Road Chamber was happy to close out 2023 honoring our mission to connect businesses to our community.
At our December 20th luncheon we hosted speakers from 9 local non-profit agencies. Each were given time to share about their organization and its impact on our community. They need volunteers as well as financial support. If you’re able to give, even a small amount can make a difference.
With the generosity of our members & local businesses we were pleased to present each organization a token of appreciation for all they do. Please take time to read about them below. They need volunteers as well as financial support. If you’re able to give, even a small amount can make a difference.
💙 The MACC- Midstate Athletic Community Center, located in Cicero, NY, is owned and operated by the Midstate Youth Hockey Association, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. The facility offers year-round public and private options for sports, training, recreation, tournaments and events. We are home to several amateur sports organizations, and the official practice facility of the American Hockey League’s (AHL) Syracuse Crunch. The MACC also hosts numerous public ice options, basketball, volleyball, baseball, softball, pickleball and the arts. The MACC prides itself on offering an outlet for all. Seeing growth in our community continuing to flourish through physical activity is a pillar of our non-profit community center.
💙 The CanTeen sees 60-70 youths a day after school. They continue to do Dinners on Tuesdays and Thursdays seeing an average of 34 they are feeding, with a high of 47 this year. They have been implementing programming to assist with Job readiness and bringing in community members to talk about careers; most recently doing a first responders day where police, firefighters, and EMS came to talk about their jobs. They continue to partner with Contact Community Services to provide after-school mental health support 2 times a week; which is funded through a series of Grants. Contact in addition to these supports will start running a group 1-2 times a week in 2024 at the CanTeen based on suicide prevention. The CanTeen is planning on doing an overnight Holiday trip to camp Talooli, where they will have lots of activities based on team building and togetherness. The Holiday season is a hard time for many families and young people in this community, so giving them a positive memorable experience is important.
💙 Cornerstone Community Fellowship – A Place of Revival exists to be biblical in content, genuine in nature, gracious in attitude, and relevant in approach. We exist to bring revival to Jesus Christ’s Church. We exist to empower Christians to walk in their full potential and calling from God, becoming true disciples of Jesus Christ. CCF’s vision of having true compassion for our community. CCF provides food & clothing to many people & families in need in our community and helps them physically, emotionally, and spiritually be in a better place.
💙 Hunter Hollow Bunny Bed and Breakfast is a Wildlife Rehabilitation Center and Domestic Rabbit Rescue. They provide care for injured and orphaned small mammals as well as domestic rabbits as they prepart them for new homes. They have 5 bunnies from the spring of 2022 and 19 from the fall of 2022. The remaining 60 bunnies that are ready for adoption are from 2023. They hold adoptions weekly.
💙 Volunteers in Police Service- Cicero PD
We are a non profit organization that consists of 20 local residents who have an interest in helping our community improve and maintain the quality of life for citizens by volunteering our skills and talents to the service of the Cicero Police Department. We are all first responders trained in CPR, AED (defibrillator) use, NARCAN (drug overdose) and First Aid.
💙 North Area Volunteer Ambulance Corps
Emergency care has sure changed since 1970 when NAVAC had its humble start in the basement of the North Syracuse Police Station.
Today our staff and volunteers respond to over 6,500 calls annually. Our people are highly skilled experts in out-of-hospital emergency medical care. The tools that we use to bring the emergency room to you are more sophisticated so as to provide the best medical care possible. NAVAC offers first aid and CPR classes, a speakers bureau, provides medical standbys and participates in numerous community events.
💙 Mission Syracuse One Cry – “Mission Syracuse,” Our Mission is to respond to the scriptural call to “Rebuild the Wall” found in the Old Testament book of Nehemiah, connecting believers today in an intentional effort to spiritually rebuild our nation through prayer and action in obedience to God’s will. Our Goal is to host 2-4 events each year, and to work with local churches and organizations to successfully host and execute even more events. We invite every church and every church-goer to till the soil with us at all of our worship, prayer, and witness events where we will celebrate faith, family, morality, and patriotism.
The Outpost at Destiny – We continue to improve our selection of faith based products! Come in and take a rest, check out our store, and most importantly, tell us how we can pray for you!
💙 North Area Meals on Wheels Our Mission is to provide nutritious meals to seniors, the homebound and the disabled in northern Onondaga County, and to advocate for their overall well-being. With the help of more than 300 volunteers, we serve over 400 meals daily and more than 120,000 meals each year. Meals on Wheels services are provided on a short or long term basis, to those who are unable to shop and/or prepare meals on their own. From our kitchen to their homes, our caring volunteers deliver nutritious meals. This service is available to people of all income levels, age groups, either on a temporary or permanent basis without regard to race, color, religion, gender, age, national origin, handicap or political affiliation.
💙 Rise Above Poverty Our Mission To bring community awareness and engagement to alleviate the socio-economic issues of homelessness and poverty, focusing on the Syracuse City School District by providing life essentials, educational training, and mentorship to the underserved youth in our community. The Syracuse City School District is NO. 1 for number of homeless students in New York State outside of New York City. One in 10 Syracuse City School District students are homeless, and nearly half (44%) of Syracuse children are living in poverty. As a result, having access to basic necessities is one of many burdens homeless and poverty-stricken students face. Lacking basic personal care prevents students from attending school, focusing on their studies, and succeeding academically and socially.
We also had a bit of Chamber business with announcing and swearing in of our 2024 Board of Directors.
Danielle Hatashita, President
Randy Barnard, 1st Vice President & Treasurer
Sarah Pitcher, Secretary
Ryan Pregent, Past President
Howard Krueger
Rick Miori
Bob Kotlarz
Chanel Rhodes
Jennifer Jedik
Thank you for your giving your time and energy in serving on the CPR Chamber Board. One Team, One Goal!